5G Mobile Network Explained

With all the new inventions of this generation, there is immense growth in connectivity and data in modern society. Billions of devices that we use in the day-to-day life are connected among themselves by the internet of things(IoT). All these changes will significantly require an amazing connection that supports the functioning of all the new generation devices and inventions. The fifth generation of mobile networks is called 5G. Currently, 4G is still existing along with the 5G network, this will continue till the 5G network is completely able to stand-alone as a result of the coverage expansions and subsequent releases. When you try watching a video on the 3G network you will have the problem of the video buffering on your screen but when you watch the same video on a 4G network there will be less time for the buffering and when it comes to 5G then there is excellent fast response time, this is also referred to as latency. In any wireless network, the time taken for the devices to respond to it is called latency. For example, the response time for the 3G network is 100 milliseconds and the response time for 4G is 30 milliseconds and then coming to 5G it is only 1 millisecond. The wait time is completely reduced and you will get to your page as soon as your type the website URL and click enter. Entirely a whole new world of connected applications and IoT is possible for 5G. An unseen world full of amazing services, applications, and business opportunities is possible by the connectivity and speed provided by the 5G network.

Applications of 5G network:

The connection between billions of devices without any human need is magic in itself and this is called the internet of things. This Revolutionary concept has modernized the world and it has amazing applications in the field of business communications, manufacturing industries, and agriculture. And all this is possible with the help of a 5G network. When the latency is very low then such a network can be very useful for the services of medical care, human treatment, and surgical procedure. The applications which include industrial robotics, safety systems, and providing safer transport networks, autonomous driving, and vehicle-to-vehicle communications which include real-time control of devices is possible with this network. To keep the new generation world connected this 5G network helps to provide a great capacity and fast data speed which helps to achieve this connection. The entire community of the human race will be benefited from the enhancement of education, health care, and security. This is possible by enabling the interconnection of devices and transforming our cities into smart cities, smart homes, smart vehicles, and smart schools. A huge amount of data can be accessed easily by using the internet of things and thus the innovation in farming and manufacturing industries can happen at an extreme level that provides savings in capital investment and also provides long term growth for the industries and excellent customer experience for the product users. By the advent of the 5G network augmented reality and virtual reality can be accessed by everyone from anywhere in this world. With this significant feature, anyone can experience a journey to their favorite place just by sitting on the couch or you can also so watch a live cricket match just by being at home.

5G Services:

5G services were introduced in the market in the year 2019 and it can be available worldwide by the year 2025. The industries are still manufacturing devices that will be compatible with the application of the 5G network. These devices will have amazing speed in the access of data and very fast streaming and downloading speeds, low latency and whenever you want to make a connection the connectivity will happen very instantaneously wherever in the world.

How Does 5G Work?

Core Network and radio access network are the two main components which make a mobile network. A wide range of facilities like towers, small cells, home systems that connect to mobile users and the wireless devices that are connected to the main core network. The major feature of the 5G network is a small cell. For the continuous connection of the internet, these small cells are further distributed in the form of clusters in the area where the connection is most required by the users. To send and receive the data simultaneously MIMO(Multiple Input Multiple Output) Antennas are used. Even though many users are on the same network, the speed will not vary. Internet connections, mobile voice, and data are managed by the core network. This network is redesigned with cloud-based services which further improves the network response time. With the use of the MIMO antenna, the users who are using the network can receive and send the data simultaneously with excellent speed. The user benefit here is that the network will maintain high speed no matter how many users are using the same network.